Aging is unavoidable. 

Aging beautifully, gracefully and healthily however, is an art. We can help to make this happen.


By knowing one’s own DNA composition one has the potential to at least limit or at best prevent inherited health problems. In practice, DNA testing helps to assess a tendency to obesity (weight gain), susceptibility to chronic diseases like diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disorders (heart attack, stroke, angina) and certain cancers. Knowing DNA makeup can also help athletes to achieve better sport performance. One cannot change the genetics, but by modified life style and diet it is possible to influence the function of DNA. DNA results help to understand the quality of a person’s metabolism, redox (oxidative stress), detox as well as inflammatory processes; any deficiencies could be addressed by personalised diet, exercise programs and supplementation. In simple words one could say that nutrigenomics helps an individual to choose the right foods and nutrients in order to achieve optimum health and wellbeing. Everybody can benefit from testing DNA, as genetic profiling can help to identify an underlying cause of many health problems and thus optimize the person’s health.

How the DNA is tested?
The test involves taking a swab from the inside of the mouth. The swab is then sent to a genetic laboratory in for analysis. It usually takes about two weeks for the results to be send back to the practitioner who collected the samples. The laboratory assesses the person’s genetic profile and so called SNPs. SNP refers to Single Nucleotide Polymorphism and it represents genetic variations between species. It is an established fact that SNP variations in the human genome can be associated with certain disorders and cancers.

What type of DNA tests can be performed?
Currently one can chose from many options when testing: DNA Diet, DNA Health, DNA Oestrogen and DNA Sport. DNA Diet helps to design a personalized healthy eating plan based on individual genetic differences. The test provides important information regarding a person’s absorption and metabolism of carbohydrates and fats as well as eating behavior. Knowing a person’s DNA composition, helps the practitioner to recommend the best healthy eating plan as well as exercise program which will contribute to weight loss.

DNA Health detects specific gene variants (SNP) which could be the cause of underlying health issues. By optimum nutrition, personalized diet and lifestyle, health complications and even some disorders could be prevented and longevity improved.

DNA Oestrogen helps to lessen a risk of breast cancer. Exposure to oestrogen is one of important risk factors for developing breast cancer. Performing the test helps to detect gene variants which have an impact on how oestrogen is processed in the body. By changing diet and adding nutritional supplements based on the test, one can improve oestrogen metabolism and minimalize the consequences of oestrogen-dominant conditions. The test is especially important for women who are on or considering oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy and/or who think about in-vitro fertilization.

DNA Sport examines biological areas which impact training responsiveness and sporting performance. Personalized lifestyle and nutrition based on inherited genes markedly add to athletic success. Anybody who would like to reach his/her personal fitness potential would benefit from this testing.